Title Attributes and Acronym VS ABBR tags

Link Title Attributes and Acronym VS ABBR tags

Link, Title, Attributes, Acronym, ABBR, tags,

Is Google there the text in the acronym tag account?

Link, Title, Attributes, Acronym, ABBR, tags,

Not in my tests. From my observation page series - Google ignores keywords in the acronym tag.
My observations from a test page.
·     Link Title Attribute - no advantage is transferred via a link to another page as it seems
·     ABBR (Abbreviation tags) - Not
·     Image Filename - None
·     Wrap Words on SCRIPT - Sometimes. Google is better to understand what it is doing in 2017.
It is clear that many invisible items on a page are completely ignored by Google (which we care about SEO).
Some are invisible (yet) not particularly supported:
·     NOFRAMES - Yes
·     NOSCRIPT - Yes
·     ALT attributes - Yes

Unless you're really interested in the subject, I believe the ** P ** day is the most important day for optimization in 2017.

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