SEO Mistakes to Avoid in Site

SEO Mistakes to Avoid in Site

common, seo, mistakes,  digital, content, production, Avoid, Site, website

Google has a very basic guide for organic optimization  search engine for webmasters, using intern:
Although this guide is not a secret that you can get your first site Surveys says Google automatically classified (sorry!), continue to best described below, it will be easier for search engines to index your content. Google
It is always useful to read, even if it is very simple, optimized search engines to your site.
No search engine you'll never say the real keywords on your site to improve your ranking and more bio traffic conversion - and Google - that's the most important thing you want to know!

It has been downloaded by tens of thousands of webmasters and updated every year or two.
Here is a list of what Google said in the document to avoid;
common, seo, mistakes,  digital, content, production, Avoid, Site, website
1. Select a title that is not linked to the content of the page
2. The use of standard or vague titles such as "Untitled" or "New Page 1"
3. With a single title tag on each page of your site or on many pages
4. With extremely long titles that do not serve users
5. Fill out unnecessary keywords in your title tags
6. Do not write a meta description tag with the contents of the page
7. The use of general descriptive such as "This is a web page" or "Baseball page
8.  Displaying -4-
9.  Full description with only keywords
10. Copy the entire content of the document in the description meta tag
11. With a unique meta tag description on each page of your site or a large group of pages
12. Use long URLs with unnecessary parameters and session IDs
13.  Choose generic page names such as "page1.html"
14.  Using excessive keywords such as "Baseball Card Baseball Card-Baseball-cards. Him"
15.  With deeply nested sub directories like "... / dir1 / dir2 / dir3 / dir4 / dir5 / dir6 /
16.  Page.html "
17. With directory names that are not related to the content of this
18. With sub-domain pages and the root directory (e.g. "
19. Page.htm "and" ") to access the same content
20. Mix www. And not www. URL versions in your internal link structure
21. With strange URL catches (many users expect lower-case of the URL for a better callback)
22.  Create complex networks of navigation links, for example. Who matches each page of your site to any other site
23. Go overboard with cutting and DICUT its content (it takes twenty clicks to reach the deep content)
24. With full-based navigation on drop-down menus, images or animations (many, but not all, search engines can discover such links on a website, but if a user can access all pages of a site normal text link, improve the accessibility of your site)
25. Allow HTML Sitemap page outdated with broken links
26. Create an HTML sitemap that simply lists pages without organizing them, for example, by topic (Edit Shaun - sure to say, especially for larger sites)
27. Allow your 404 pages to be indexed in the search engines (make sure your webserver is configured to give a 404 HTTP status code when there is demand for non-existent pages)
28. Offer only a vague message like "Not found", "404", or no 404 page at all
29.  A design for your 404 pages is not compatible with the rest of your site
30. Write an expired text with many spelling and grammar errors
31. Embed text in images for textual content (User
32. Add the text and search engines cannot read it)
33. Unload large amounts of text on different topics on a page without paragraph, here, or layout separation
34. Ruminating (or even copying) existing content, which brings little-added value to users
Pretty simple, but sometimes it is the easy thing that is often overlooked. Of course, set the above with Google's guidelines for webmasters.
Optimizing search engines are often making small changes to parts of your website. These changes can appear as incremental improvements, but when combined with other optimizations, they can have a significant impact on the user-friendliness and performance of the site in the organic search results.
Do not make these simple but dangerous mistakes....
1. Avoid duplicate content found elsewhere on your site. Yes, Google loves content, but * Rule * will be well-developed, unique and original to come to the top!
2. Do not hide the text on your website. Google can remove the SERP.
3. Do not buy 1000 links and think "Take me to the top!". Google likes the growth of natural links and often frowns on buying massive links.
4. Do not ask anyone to link to the same "anchor text" link or phrase. This could mark it as a "rank modifier". They do not want that.
5. Do not continue Google PR 100 links to hunting. Think quality links ... not quantity.
6. Do not be too rich domains to buy keywords, fill them with similar content and link them to your website. It's lazy and dangerous and you could see ignored, or even worse from Google banned. It might have worked yesterday, but it certainly is not working today without a little compassion from Google.
7. You do not constantly change the names of the pages on your website or browse the site without using reminders to redirects. Just screw it into a search engine.
8. Do not use a website with JavaScript navigation like Google, Yahoo, and Bing cannot creep build.

9.  They do not connect to anyone you ask for the mutual links. Just link to quality websites that you can trust.

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