Google wants to rank high-quality websites Part

Google wants to rank high-quality websites
Google has a ranking of your site's history as a unit type, and no matter you do not want a bad day on it. Set it by algorithm or human. The manual testers cannot directly affect your ranking, but all the characters associated with Google are likely to avoid your location being marked as low quality.
If you create websites without having practiced to Google to be up against nature, you will meet Google's expectations in the quality of qualification policies (PDF).
Google said:
Poor quality pages are inadequate or missing items that prevent them from reaching their goal.
"Reason Enough”
In some cases, there is a "reason enough" to immediately report the page in certain areas and Google orders the quality testers to do this:
·     An insufficient amount of MC is reason enough to give a bad grade for a page.
·     Poor quality MC is reason enough for a page to give a bad quality rating.
·     The lack of suitable E-A-T is reason enough for a page to give a bad note.
·     Negative reputation is reason enough for a page to give a bad note.
What are the low-quality pages?
When it comes to defining what an interior page is, Google is obviously interested in the quality of the main content (MC) of a page:
Main content (MC)
Google said that MC should be the main reason why a page is available.
·     MC quality is low.
·     There is an insufficient amount of MC for the purpose of the page.
·     There is an insufficient amount of information on the site.
Bad User Experience
·     This content has a lot of problems: bad spelling and grammar, complete assembly is missing, wrong information. The poor quality of the MC is a reason for the lower note + low. In addition, the popover ads (blue underlined words) can make the main content difficult to read, resulting in a bad user experience.
·     The pages that provide a bad user experience, such as pages that try to download malicious software, should also get low ratings, even if they have appropriate images for the query.
·     If a page seems ill-conceived, take a look. Ask yourself if the site was intentionally designed to get the attention of MC. If this is the case, the low score is appropriate.
·     The layout is missing. The layout of the page for example or space diverted from the MC, which makes the use of the CD.
·     You should consider which is responsible for the content of the site or the content of the page you are evaluating. Does the person or organization has a sufficient experience of the subject? If the experience, autoritativité or reliability is missing, the lower rating.
·     There is no evidence that the author was a medical experiment. Because it is a YMYL medical subject, the lack of experience is a reason for a low score.
·     The author of the site or website is not enough experience to make the subject of the site and/or the site is not reliable, authorized for the subject. In other words, the page/site is missing E-A-T.
After the content of the page are the following ones with the most weight in determining whether you have a high-quality bag.
·     Unnecessary SC or distraction that transmits the website, rather than helping the user is a reason for a low rating.
·     SC distracted or not helps the purpose of the site.
·     The page is missing SC useful.
·     For large sites, SC can be an important means under which users can browse the site and MC, and the lack of SC useful for large sites with lots of content can be a reason for the bad chances
For example, an ad for a model in a revealing bikini is likely to be acceptable to a website that sells swimsuits, but a very entertaining pornographic advertising and graphic can justify a deep note.

Good care of your home
·     If the site is not sufficiently updated and feels badly held for its purpose, the low score is probably justified.
·     The page lack of maintenance and updates.
·     Credible negative reputation (though not malicious or fraudulent financially) is a reason for a low score, especially for a YMYL page.
·     The page has a negative reputation.
When it comes to your Google page, the lowest rating comes, you'll probably need to go to beat some of these, but it gives you an address that you want to make sure you definitely avoid.
Google said in the document, there are some pages that...
You should always get the lowest score
.. And are shown below. Note - These statements are then distributed in the document and do not check with the way I listed here. I do not think that context presents, this is lost, and it makes it more digestible.
All who are familiar with the Google Webmaster Guidelines are familiar with most of the following:
·     Real lack of landing pages or websites.
1. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the true purpose of a page.
·     Pages that link to YMYL from sites with information about the totally inadequate or non-existent website.
·     Sites or websites that are created to make money with little or no effort to help users.
·     MC pages with extremely low or low quality.
2.                       If a page is intentionally created without MC, use the lowest rank. Why does a page exist without MC? Pages without MC generally lack destination pages or misleading information.
3.                       Web sites that are intentionally created to be with a minimum of MC, or MC, which is completely unnecessary for the purpose of the page, should be considered without MC
4.                       The pages intentionally created without MC should be classified as the lowest.
5.                       Important: The lowest ranking is appropriate when all or most of the MC's pages is copied with little or no time, effort, experience, manual restoration or added value for users. These pages should be classified as the lowest, even if the page assigns the credit for the content to another source. Important: The lowest ranking is appropriate when all or most of the MC's pages is copied with little or no time, effort, experience, manual restoration or added value for users. These pages should be classified as the lowest, even if the page assigns the credit for the content to another source.
·     Pages on YMYL websites (your money or your life transaction pages) with totally inadequate information or no website at all.
·     Pages on contaminated sites, unauthorized or defective.
·     Pages or websites created inexperienced or very reliable pages, unreliable, unauthorized, inaccurate or misleading.
1. Web sites or harmful or dangerous websites.
2.                       The Web sites that have extremely negative or harmful reputation. You can also use the lowest rating for violating Google policies about the quality of webmasters. Finally, the Minor + can be used for two pages with many functions and bad for pages including the lack of a page of the quality feature, makes them question the real purpose of the page. Important: Negative reputation is reason enough for a page to give a bad note. Evidence of a genuinely malicious or deceptive behavior ensures the lowest score.
3.                       Sites or misleading websites. Deceptive websites seem to have a useful purpose (the stated goal), but they are actually created for another reason. Use the lowest rank when a web page is intended to generate to deceive and potentially hurt users to take advantage of the site.

4.                       Some pages are designed to allow users to process specific types of links through visual design elements such as layout, organize, link address, font color, images and so on. We will consider such sites with the deceptive layout. Use the lowest rank when the page intended to provide useful MC designed users to manage, click on ads, link or suspicious monetize download links with little or no effort to click.
5.                       Sometimes the pages feel "unreliable". Use the lowest rating for one of the following conditions: pages or sites that you suspect are frauds
6.                       (Eg pages that require the name, date of birth, address, bank account, the number of government ID cards, etc.). Web sites that are "phish" for passwords for Facebook, Gmail or other popular services online. Suspect sites with download links, which can be malicious software.
·     Use the lowest ranking for sites that has an extremely bad reputation.
Web sites that lack attention and care are classified as low quality.
Sometimes a web page may seem a bit sloppy: the links are broken, the images cannot be downloaded and the content may appear obsolete or overtaken. If the site is not sufficiently updated and feels badly held for its purpose, the low score is probably justified.
Sides "broken" or unclassified low quality functional
I hit 404 pages in my recently published article looking for, why a website traffic has lost.
Google gives clear clues to create useful 404 pages:
1. Visitors clearly say that the site they are looking for is not found
2.                       Use a friendly and engaging language
3.                       Make sure that your 404 page uses the same look and navigation as the rest of your site.
4.                       Consider adding links to your favorite items or items, and a link to the main page of your site.
5.                       Consider a possibility for users to report a broken link to report.
6.                       Make sure that your Web server returns an HTTP status code of 404 when a genuine missing page is requested
Points for pages with error messages or without MC
Google does not want to index the pages without a particular goal or sufficient baseline. A right side 404 and the corresponding layout prevent a large portion of it from occurring primarily.
Some pages are loaded with content created by the webmaster, but an error message or a missing MC. The pages cannot be MC for several reasons. Sometimes the page is "broken" and the content is not loading properly or at all. Sometimes the content is no longer available and the page shows an error message that contains this information. Many websites have "broken" or pages that do not work. This is normal, and the individual pages that do not work or are broken in a place else should be classified as low quality. This also applies when other site pages are high or high overall quality.
Are Google 404 pages per program examined?
We were not told in the last hangout - but - in Quality Rater guidelines "The users are likely to interest a lot."
You 404 errors in the research console hurt my notes?
404 Errors in the invalid URLs do not affect the indexing or ranking of your site. JOHN MEULLER
It seems that this is not a unit size. If you correctly handled 404 mistakes that have an equity link, close the equity that was once lost - and this claim "backlink" obviously has value.
The problem here is that Google introduced a lot of noise in this monitoring report error to make it difficult to manage and not very easy to use.
Many broken links Google says you can often be completely irrelevant and inheritance matters. Google could immediately make us more valuable by saying that 404s are only connected to external sites.
Fortunately, you can find your own broken links on the website using SEO tools countless available.
I also prefer to use analyses to search with a history of migration for broken backlinks to a website, for example.
John has found some of these, although it specifically speaks (I think) of the errors found by Google in the webmaster tools (formerly Google Webmaster Tools)
1. In some cases creep errors may come from a legitimate structural problem within your site or CMS. How do you know? Check the source of the analysis errors. If a link is on your site, in the static HTML code of your page, it always helps to fix it
2.                       What about the funky URL, which "clearly broken?" If our algorithms are your site, they can try to find more content in it, for example trying to discover the new URLs in JavaScript. When we tried the "URLs" and found a 404, it's great and expected. We just want to miss something important

If you create websites and want them to be classified, the paper quality guidelines 2015 and 2014 is an excellent guide for webmasters to avoid poor assessment for quality and avoid potentially punishment algorithms.

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