The Matters of the "User Experience"

The problems of the "User Experience"
The user is it a ranking factor?
The user experience is mentioned 16 times mentioned in the essential content of quality guidelines (official PDF), but Google told us that there is no classifiable "ranking factor" in the search office, at least.
Mobile, of course, since UX is the basis of the mobile update. Currently not on the desktop. (Gary Illyes: Google May 2015)
While UX, we are told, is not literally a "ranking factor", it is helpful to understand exactly what Google calls "bad user experience" because when the bad UX signals are identified on your website, thing for your ranking too at any time.
The consistent SEO tips from Matt Cutts were focused on a good user experience.
What Bad UX?
For Google, the UX notation, at least from the point of view of a quality evaluator is based on the following page:
·     Misleading or potentially misleading design
·     Sneaky Redirects (affiliate links intruders)
·     Downloads and malicious downloads
·     Spammy user-generated content (comments without moderation and messages)
·     MC bad (contents of page)
·     SC low quality (supplementary content/extra content)
What is SC (supplementary content /extra content)?
If it is a positive and own web page, Google speaks a variety of features and useful content relevant content - p. Useful navigation links for users (not usually MC or ads).
Additional content contributes to a good user experience on the page but is not directly relevant page to achieve its goal. SC is created by webmasters and is an important part of the user experience. A common type of SC is the navigation links, which allow users to visit other parts of the site. Note that in some cases the content may be viewed from the side behind the tabs part of the SC.
In short, the lack of useful SC can be a reason for a low-quality score, depending on the purpose of the site and the type of site. We have different standards for small websites that exist in their communities of great websites with a large volume of web pages and content. For some types of "web pages" like PDF and JPEG files, we do not expect SC.
It's worth remembering that good does not save SC bad MC ("The main content is a part of the page that directly helps the page to achieve its goal.") A poor review.
Good SC seems to be a sensible choice. It has always been.
Key points of SC 
 1. Additional content can be a large part of what makes for its purpose a very satisfying high-quality bag.
 2.  SC is useful to the content that is targeted to the content and purpose of the page.
 3. Smaller websites such as websites for local businesses and non-profit organizations or personal websites and blogs may need less of their needs for their needs.
  4.   One side can still get a high score or even higher without SC at all.
The specific offers Matching SC:  
 1. Additional content contributes to a good user experience on the page but is not directly relevant page to achieve its goal.
 2.  SC is created by webmasters and is an important part of the user experience. A common type of SC is the navigation links, which allow users to visit other parts of the site. Note that in some cases the content may be viewed from the side behind the tabs part of the SC.
3.  SC, which contributes to the site and the website to a successful user experience. - (A brand of high-quality website - this statement was repeated 5 times)
4.   However, we hope that the websites of large companies and organizations will make a lot of effort to create a good user experience on their website, including the one with SC useful. For large sites, SC can be an important means under which users can browse the site and MC, and the lack of SC useful for large sites with lots of content can be a reason for a low rating.
5.                       However, some pages are deliberately designed to move the MC user's attention to the ads, monetized links or SC. In these cases, the MC is difficult to read or use in a poor user experience. These pages should be classified.
6.       Misleading or possibly misleading design makes it difficult to say that there is no answer, so this page is a bad user experience.
7.                        The redirect is the action of a user to send to a different URL than originally requested. There are many good reasons to redirect one URL to another, for example, when a website is moved to a new address. However, some redirects are designed to cheat search engines and users. This is a very bad user experience, and users may feel deceived or confused. We call these "hidden detours." The hidden diversions are misleading and should be classified as the lowest.
8.                      However, you can find sites with many discussions in the forum spam or unwanted user comments. We will consider any comments or discussion forum as "spam" if someone is not published without reference comments to help others but to advertise a product or a link to a website. Often these comments are written by a "but" instead of a real person. Spam comments are easy to spot. You can include ads, downloads, or other links, or sometimes only short text sequences unrelated to the topic, such as "good", "hello", "I'm new here", "how are you adjourn" Hui ", etc. Webmasters should find and delete this content because it is a bad user experience.
9.                       The changes make it very difficult to read a bad user experience and are. (MC inferior (copied content with little or no time, effort, experience, manual or healing value for users))
10.               Sometimes the MC of a landing page is relevant to the query, but the continuous page pornographic ads or pornographic links outside the MC ad, which can be very disruptive and possibly a bad user experience.
11.                  The application and benefits of MC must be balanced with the user experience side.
12.                The pages that provide a bad user experience, such as pages that try to download malicious software, should also get low ratings, even if they have appropriate images for the query.
In short, no one advises you to create a bad UX, however, in the light of Google's algorithms and qualifier human quality, which show a clear interest in this material. Google is a type of mobile websites in classes that are frustrating for UX, although at certain levels, Google classes as UX would be very far from what could be familiar with mobile sorting tools a professional UX Google, for example, W3c tested Mobile Tools.
Google is increasingly interested in classifying the content of the website in question and the reputation of the page field is with your website and the pages of competition in other areas.
A satisfying UX can help your ranking, taking into account the second order factors. A bad UX can seriously affect your human rating, at least. Google's likely penalty algorithms rank pages as something like a bad UX, for example, if they meet certain criteria provable. The lack of good reputation or the old school stuff like SEO keyword stuff a website.

  1. If you want to improve the user experience by focusing primarily on the quality of your pages MC and avoid - or even eliminate - SEO techniques of the old school - these are definitely positive steps to get more traffic Google in 2016 - and The nature of the content to Google Performance Awards are ultimately at least a good user experience.

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